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GTA IV ( & EFLC ) FuelMod
1 listopada 2012 07:52:36
By Mr_KoKa





Download FuelMod


Download FuelMod

Downloads: 700 Downloads: 9275


I will leave v1.2 of the mod available to download in case I broke something in v1.3

About modification:

FuelMod is a modifucation that adds a bit of realism to the game. The main features of the mod are:

  • Fuel consumption depends on speed and acceleration
  • Fuel level is randomized when player enters a vehicle and remembered for each vehicle separately until you close the game.
  • Speed-o-meter displayed on the screen with fuel level and low fuel level warning light.
  • Engine will turn off when vehicle runs out of fuel.
  • Ability to buy jerry can (in form of engine oil model as I have not found better model to represent a jerrycan) that can be stored in trunk and then retrieved to fuel a vehicle.
  • New in v1.3: Ability to buy repair kit. As jerrycan it can be stored in a vehicle trunk and then retrieved to fix the car.
  • New in v1.3: Petrol stations are marked on the in-game map. Markers are created after you enter the vehicle first time after launching the game.


Put FuelMod.asi file to the main game directory where game exe resides.


Mod requires ScriptHook and AsiLoader to work. Current steam version of the complete edition of the game ( requires files from three archives that are located inside "HooksAndLoaders" directory of the mod package:

  • GTAIV_Complete_Edition_Fix_0_4.zip:
    • aCompleteEditionHook.asi
    • AdvancedHook.dll
    • AdvancedHookInit.asi
    • ScriptHookDotNet.asi
  • GTAIVScriptHook_0.5.1_Redist.zip:
    • ScriptHook.dll
  • IVAsiLoader.zip:
    • dsound.dll
Originally mod (v1.2) was released for version of the game that required only two of the three arhives, but I don't remember if it was version or or some version of EFLC:
  • GTAIVScriptHook_0.5.1_Redist.zip:
    • ScriptHook.dll
  • IVAsiLoader.zip:
    • dsound.dll


When driving you can notice that fuel level drops. If the fuel indicator needle drops to the red zone the low fuel indicator light starts to flash. The low fuel light will  be lit continously when the fuel level drops to the middle section of the red zone. To refill fuel you have to stop your car near any petrol station distributor, you can tell you are in right place by watching fuel distributor light on the speed-o-meter. It will lit green if the position you are in is valid, then you just need to stop your vehicle and the vehicle engine will turn off to start refueling. Refueling will stop after fuel reaches maximum level.

Default keybindings: (You can change them in FuelMod.ini file):

To buy jerrycan press [X] (FirstActionKey), you have to be nearby fuel distributor at petrol station.
To use jerrycan to refill some fuel you need be touching the vehicle and press [X] (FirstActionKey) or [B] (ThirdActionKey) when holding the jerrycan.
To store jerrycan in the vehicle trunk press [Z] (SecondActionKey) when touching the vehicle.
To take the jerrycan out of the vehicle trunk press [X] (FirstActionKeywhen touching the vehicle and emptyhanded.

To buy repair kit press [B] (ThirdActionKey), you have to be nearby fuel distributor at petrol station.
To use repair kit to repair a vehicle you need be touching the vehicle and press [B] (ThirdActionKey) or [X] (FirstActionKeywhen holding the repair kit.
To store repair kit in the vehicle trunk press [Z] (SecondActionKeywhen touching the vehicle.
To take the repair kit out of the vehicle press [B] (ThirdActionKeywhen touching the vehicle and emptyhanded.

Configuration (FuelMod.ini file):

FuelMod.ini file is located in the same directory as game exe and FuelMod.asi file. It will be created if does not exist when you launch game with the mod installed correctly.

Units - unit of speed displayd by the speed-o-meter needle, possible values are kph and mph
FirstActionKey - virtual key code, default is 88 which means that key X is the FirstActionKey
SecondActionKey - virtual key code, default is 90 - which means that key Z is the SecondActionKey
ThirdActionKey - virtual key code, default is 66 - which means that key B is the ThirdActionKey

MinRandomFuel - value in % of minimal possible fuel level when randomizing fuel level for vehicles, default is 10.
ConsumptionRate - rate at which the fuel is consumed, 100 is default value, setting it at 50 will cause fuel last twice as long and setting it at 200 will cause fuel last half as long.
BlipSpriteId - Sprite id used for marking petrol stations on the in-game map, default is 79, available values are from 0 to 94, for more informations go to https://gtamods.com/wiki/Blip_(GTA_IV) (some are white on white background) or google for "eBlipSprite gta 4"

Enabled - Value of 1 allows to set the speed-o-meter position by the two bellow variables:
X - Space in pixels from the left edge of the screen.
Y - Space in pixels from the top edge of the screen.

I recommend to have custom position enabled, and finding X and Y values for yourself. The configuration in v1.3 package of the mod has custom position set for 1080p resolution. Disabling custom position results in mod trying to place speed-o-meter next to the minimap but the result may be poor.

Known issues:

Police vehicles behave differently from regular vehicles, and any action that requires touching a vehicle (like putting jerry can to the trunk) won't work until you enter vehicle. This will set the vehicle as your last used vehicle and touch actions should work properly.

In the official multiplayer mode, cars that are occupied with other player have same behaviour as police cars in single player, so actions that requires touching the vehicle won't work until the vehicle is set as your last used vehicle by entering it. At this point I don't know if official mutiplayer mode is still available and if the mod works same way (or at all) in the unofficial multiplayer.


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Petrol Stations Map - Video Guide:

